
What should I do if my dog won’t eat?

If your dog won’t eat, he is definitely not feeling well. If he doesn’t eat for more than 24 hours, take him to the vet immediately. Some things that you can try are: Switch up their food. Sometimes dogs, like…

How to remove a tick from your dog

While hiking on the Appalachian Trail with one of my dogs, I found her covered in ticks one evening. I managed to remove most of them with my fingers the first night but luckily a good samaritan working at a…

Should you trim your dog’s whiskers?

Dogs have whiskers on their nose above the upper lip, chin, and forehead. If you trim them, it will not hurt them. However, they do use their whiskers as a sixth sense, so you might be limiting their ability to…

Are dogs color blind?

Dogs aren’t completely color blind but they don’t see color very well. There are two types of retina cells, rods and cones. Rods detect light. Cones detect color. Dogs have many more rods than cones. Dogs do see better than…

How to tell if your dog is fat

You can tell if your dog is overweight by looking at him or her.  You should be able: to feel the ribs, see a waist from above and their tummy should tuck – be higher than their ribs – when…

Keeping Warm by Sitting on Your Shoes

This kitten is sitting on the slipper to stay warm – the floor is cold.  The picture reminded me of snowshoeing with my dog Teddy.  Whenever we stop for a break she sits on the back of my snowshoes to…